Current Menu Offerings
Customized to the unique needs of your school division
What is the HCS Toolkit?
School divisions can purchase an annual subscription to access the Hampton City Schools Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Headquarters (CIA HQ), which includes our PreK-12 curriculum documents, pacing guides, curriculum assessments, and other instructional resources). These resources are housed and maintained on an HCS Google domain using Google Sites and are frequently updated, even during the school year. Divisions that subscribe to this service will have the opportunity to use the HCS curriculum or to access the curriculum to use portions of the HCS platform as a resource.
Current Subscription Offerings
Curriculum Package Subscription Options
Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment Package
Access to all HCS PreK-12 curriculum documents-Core Content, Elective Content, Success 101 Freshman Seminar
Access to the HCS Instructional Technique Library-Various pegadagogical techniques that are research based and content specific to help vary instructional delivery.
Access to the HCS lesson plan template
Access to HCS Formative Assessments via PDF and Google Doc.
Access to web-based training modules that provide guidance on how to navigate and use the CIA HQ and the various resources available
Access to monthly division partner meetings to increase collaboration, share best practices, and to provide support for all partner divisions.
3 complimentary hours of professional learning (TBD at discretion of partnering division)
Hosted via Zoom or in person at HCS
Hosted at another location: No additional cost if location is within 30 miles of 1 Franklin Street, Hampton, VA 23669. For locations of 30 miles or farther, please inquire regarding cost.
Additional options associated with this package include:
On-site professional learning - The time increments noted below are samples. Training sessions can also be broken into shorter duration sessions (i.e., a 6-hour training session can be broken into 3 two-hour training sessions on the same topic). Please note that costs associated with travel are billed for divisions beyond a 75-mile radius from HCS using the federal per diem rates.
1.5-hour training session, up to 50 people maximum
4-hour training session, up to 50 people maximum
6-hour training session, up to 50 people maximum
Virtual professional learning
Zoom platform, up to 50 people maximum
Add On Packages (Special Education and SEL)
Add On Packages
Special Education Modified Curriculum Package-Elementary Only
This includes our Modified Curriculum Add on Site access for your special education teams that will include modified resources in ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies for both Self-Contained and Inclusion Classrooms.
SEL Toolkit Package
This includes prepared lessons for Grade K-12 as well as adults on the following SEL Skills:
Responsible Decision Making
Relationship Skills
Sense of Belonging
Community Building
This is prepared as an additional add-on site attached to the HCS Toolkit Site (CIA HQ)
HCS Assessment Question Banks Subscription Options
HCS curriculum leaders and teacher specialists have created high-quality formative and summative assessment items that are tightly aligned with the Virginia Department of Education’s Standards of Learning. These assessments are deployed via the web-based online assessment platform Mastery Connect. Mastery Connect is the solution HCS uses to administer assessments in an online environment. Divisions interested in accessing HCS assessment items, to include pre-constructed benchmark assessments, will need to enter into a separate agreement with Mastery Connect. The types of assessment items available in the banks include, but are not limited to: multiple choice, short answer, drag and drop, multiple response, matching, cloze text, hotspot, order list, graph plotting, and extended text response. *HCS Partner Divisions will have access to Formative Assessments (nonsecure assessment items) in PDF and Google Doc formats via the HCS Curriculum subscription.
Divisions will have the opportunity to purchase access to two question banks: one that houses teacher-facing questions and one that contains HCS secure benchmark assessment items. For those divisions who also subscribe to the HCS curriculum package, the teacher-facing question bank contains the formative and summative assessment items that are embedded within the HCS curriculum as direct links to these pre-constructed assessments. These assessments are wide in scope and title to include: checks for understanding, common assessments, Power Quizzes, Decathlons, and checkpoint quizzes. Additionally, all assessment items in the teacher-facing question bank may be duplicated and edited for division use.
It is to be noted that the assessment items in the benchmark item bank are secure items that are only accessible and created by division-level staff, for test-security purposes. Divisions who subscribe to Mastery Connect and purchase the benchmark item bank may decide to administer HCS versions of these assessments or to have their division-level staff use this secure question bank to design their own division assessments. The HCS benchmark assessment items are aligned with the cognitive level, rigor, and design of the Virginia Standards of Learning associated with the grade level or content area course frameworks. Information related to which pre-constructed HCS benchmark assessments are available through this bank can be found in the bulleted list below. Additionally, semester exams (for EOC courses), while housed in the benchmark item bank, are formative in nature and made available to teachers for a brief window in advance of the exam administration to prepare study resources to guide pacing and planning.
Both the teacher-facing question bank and the benchmark item bank are “live” banks, meaning that they will continue to be updated throughout the school year and evolve over time. Divisions who purchase these banks through Mastery Connect will have immediate access to new and revised question items. Additionally, the difficulty level as well as the level of Bloom’s taxonomy has been identified for the majority of the assessment items in both banks.
HCS Quarterly Benchmark Assessments (Word Version) Subscription Options
HCS administers quarterly benchmark assessments (known as Critical Skills Assessments). These high quality assessments, which are aligned with the Virginia Department of Education’s Curriculum Framework Documents, provide valuable student achievement data that can be used for both formative and summative decision-making purposes. In HCS, these assessments are deployed via the web-based online assessment platform Mastery Connect. For divisions interested in accessing these assessments without subscribing to Mastery Connect, HCS makes available a Word version of our benchmark assessments.
Divisions opting for this package are permitted to edit HCS assessments for division use during the period of the subscription, but may not use HCS assessment items beyond the scope of the subscription unless permission has been granted by HCS.
These assessments are aligned with the cognitive level, rigor, and design of the Standards of Learning associated with the grade level or content area course frameworks. HCS quarterly benchmark assessments are available in the following content/grade level/course areas:
Grade 2: 2 Quarter Benchmarks (Q3 & Q4)
Grades 3-5: 3 Quarter Benchmarks for each grade level (Q1, Q2, Q3)
Grades 6-8: 6 Quarter Benchmarks (3 for reading, 3 for writing) for each grade level (Q1, Q2, Q3)
Grades 9-12: Fall and Spring Benchmarks and semester exams for each grade level
Grades 2-5: 3 Quarter Benchmarks for each grade level (Q1, Q2, Q3)
Course I - III (Including Pre-Algebra & Honors): 3 Quarter Benchmarks for each course (Q1, Q2, Q3)
EOC Math: Fall and Spring Benchmarks and semester exams for each course
Grades 5-6: 3 Quarter Benchmarks for each grade level (Q1, Q2, Q3)
Life Science & Physical Science: 3 Quarter Benchmarks for each course (Q1, Q2, Q3)
EOC Science: Fall and Spring Benchmarks and semester exams for each course
Social Studies
Virginia Studies: 3 Quarter Benchmarks (Q1, Q2, Q3)
Civics & Economics: 3 Quarter Benchmarks (Q1, Q2, Q3)
EOC History & Social Science: Fall (Q1) and Spring (Q3) Benchmarks and semester exams for each course
Student Achievement Data Analytics and Subscription Options
For divisions who subscribe to Mastery Connect, data reports are available through the product platform. For divisions interested in the creation of additional custom reports (i.e., student performance by question reports by teacher for quarterly benchmark assessments), the HCS Student Achievement Data Analytics package is available. With this package, divisions have the option to rely on HCS to create these custom reports (Package A) or to have HCS staff to train their division staff to create these reports and serve as a resource for support beyond the initial training (Package B).
Package A
The reports detailed below can be purchased separately or combined. Some of the reports require that divisions provide HCS with CSV files from their benchmark test administrations. Also included at no additional expense, reports can account for disaggregated data by student groups (i.e., students with disabilities, racial groups) for those divisions interested in providing additional student information fields through the CSV file.
These reports are delivered in a custom interface via a Google site that is constructed solely for your school division and accessible to your school administrators and select central office staff. A sample screenshot of the homepage of this interface is noted on the next page.
Benchmark Pass Rate Report
Report will display the overall pass percentages for all students at the division, school and teacher level for each core area, for each administration of these assessments. (Click here for a sample report. Be sure to click on the different tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet.)
Each core content area will be included in one Excel or Google spreadsheet, separated by content tabs.
Benchmark Student Performance by Question Report
Report will provide the percentage of students who responded correctly for each question on quarterly benchmark assessments. The data will be reported at the following levels:
Each core content area will be provided in separate files (spreadsheets).
Each file will have multiple tabs (one per assessment level) and will provide the correct response rates for each question on the benchmark assessments. The Reporting Categories and Item Descriptors will also be identified. The report provides insight on how a school's or a particular teacher's correct response rates compare to other teachers, schools and the division on a particular skill, or which teachers may show expertise at teaching a particular SOL strand/skill. (Click here for a sample report.)
R10 Projections/Failure Rate Reduction Report
Report will provide the target pass rate (excluding Growth, EL progress and Recovery) needed to achieve an R10 rating and reduce the failure rate by 10% from the previous year. This includes:
Academic Achievement - English
Academic Achievement - Math
Academic Achievement - Science
Achievement Gap - English (Student Groups)
Achievement Gap - Math (Student Groups)
Chronic Absenteeism
Accreditation Scenarios - 3 Year Average Report ($2,500)
Report focuses on the different opportunities available to each school in the division to achieve a level one or level two rating for each school quality indicator. Data can be used to determine the lowest possible combined rate in the current year that would still yield a level one or two rating in a three-year average.
Package B
An HCS staff member will be responsible for training your division staff (up to three individuals and conducted virtually) on how to create the Quarterly Pass Rates and Quarterly Student Performance by Question Reports noted above. This Package includes 8 hours of training that can be spread throughout the school year at the division’s discretion and a calculation template for the Quarterly Student Performance by Question Report. This allocation of hours will be more than sufficient to train division staff. For divisions interested in additional hours, virtual training can be secured at the rate of $125 per hour. HCS will provide quotes for divisions interested in onsite training.
Non Academic Data Analytic Subscription Options
The custom report below provides divisions with a detailed breakdown of student attendance that is used to identify students in need of support as well as predict/project each school’s likelihood of meeting Virginia’s School Quality Indicator for student attendance.
Package A
Chronic Absenteeism Report
This report, which can be generated on a monthly or quarterly basis, uses Virginia’s calculations to project an estimated end-of-year outcome of the Chronic Absenteeism indicator for state accreditation. (Click here for a sample division level report.)
This report also provides divisions with a list of students and how each student is reported in the calculation (i.e., projected end-of-year membership, current absentee status). Divisions/schools can use this report to identify students in need of support related to truancy concerns. (Click here for a sample student list.)
This Chronic Absenteeism Report would require the school division to provide HCS with a quarterly or monthly CSV file from the division’s student information system. This file would need to contain student level information similar to what would be found in the state’s student record collection template (e.g., student #, student name, grade level, homebound/home-based status, responsible school, current school, entry date/exit date, active status, membership days, absentee information).
Package B
An HCS staff member will be responsible for training your division staff (up to three individuals and conducted virtually) on how to create the report noted above. This package includes 4 hours of training that can be spread throughout the school year at the division’s discretion. This allocation of hours will be more than sufficient to train division staff.
Full Menu of Options
The custom report below provides divisions with a detailed breakdown of student attendance that is used to identify students in need of support as well as predict/project each school’s likelihood of meeting Virginia’s School Quality Indicator for student attendance.
Package A
Chronic Absenteeism Report
This report, which can be generated on a monthly or quarterly basis, uses Virginia’s calculations to project an estimated end-of-year outcome of the Chronic Absenteeism indicator for state accreditation. (Click here for a sample division level report.)
This report also provides divisions with a list of students and how each student is reported in the calculation (i.e., projected end-of-year membership, current absentee status). Divisions/schools can use this report to identify students in need of support related to truancy concerns. (Click here for a sample student list.)
This Chronic Absenteeism Report would require the school division to provide HCS with a quarterly or monthly CSV file from the division’s student information system. This file would need to contain student level information similar to what would be found in the state’s student record collection template (e.g., student #, student name, grade level, homebound/home-based status, responsible school, current school, entry date/exit date, active status, membership days, absentee information).
Package B
An HCS staff member will be responsible for training your division staff (up to three individuals and conducted virtually) on how to create the report noted above. This package includes 4 hours of training that can be spread throughout the school year at the division’s discretion. This allocation of hours will be more than sufficient to train division staff.
Have more Questions?
Gary Skeen, Virtual Partnership Specialist
for an individualized Proposal for the needs of your division